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Caricature Artist Near Me

Flattering AND
Free for your Guests

(You pay me, it's free for them)

"It was perfect! Everyone is still talking about it!”


   Celeste Hayes,

   Daphne, AL

a happy customer
bride and groom smile as they hold  their digital caricautre

Mobile  AL


Caricatures NEar Me

Althestan CLub


                              Learn About hiring me as your Wedding Caricature Artist 

Why I Choose to be a Complimentary Caricature Artist Near me

caricature artist kathy buskett with logo

Hi, I'm Kathy Buskett the Caricature Artist Near Me

Nice to meet you!

So I have a confession to make

The reason I draw flattering "complimentary" caricatures is because I made 

someone cry.

No, I'm not proud of it. In fact it was very hard for me to write this.

So let me back up a minute.

The year is 2006.

I am being bullied by some artists who think my style of flattering caricatures isn't good enough.

"You aren't a Good  Caricature Artist"

These artists won't include me in their little "club" and look down on me because of my "cute" style.


They make rude comments about anyone who's style they think "Isn't exaggerated enough" and say "Those aren't REALLY Caricatures." 

I feel Terrible. Despite having worked as a professional caricature artist Near Me

for nearly a decade and for some of the largest events and companies in the world, I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

So, I am trying to prove that I am a good artist, and I am at a festival in Las Vegas drawing like those exaggerated caricature drawings on Tik TOk.

miss mississippi get s a caricature

Biloxi, MS

Corporate welcome event

Caricature Artist Near Me

THe Beau Rivage 


My "cute"

caricature style

A black couple dances with delight at their caricature

Jackson, MS


Caricature Artist Near me


caricature of the three actors who played spiderman

My Cartoon
Caricature style

But I wind up making a woman feel so bad about herself that she cries.

      It's awful.

"Done Dirty"

I should have known better.

I had my caricature drawn by one of those extreme exaggerators at a caricature artist's convention just the year before.

That drawing was a "sniper sketch" - the artist did it without my knowledge or permission - and he threw it into my lap like it was a time bomb, then ran off to watch the fireworks. 

He wasn't disappointed.

I still dont even know who did it, it all happened so fast. It was Kind of like an Assault.

a horrible caricature of kathy buskett

The sniper sketch Caricature Artist Near  Me

Yea, it's funny - but would you want one?

Here's a dirty little secret: Your guests likely

don't want one either! They want to look GOOD.

So do you. Don't we all?

One extreme exaggerator I know (a very nice guy named Aaron Philby) says that only about 5% of people at events want his drawings. Another website states that about 60% of people want caricature drawings at their events on average.

By contrast, 90 to 100% of people at events want my caricatures. Even the introverts! Because they can see I DON'T DO THEM DIRTY

That's a great reason to choose me as your caricature artist near me

 I will make you look BETTER than real life!

funny caricature of caricature artist kathy buskett

Just so you can see, I'm not a whiner. 

I LOVE this exaggerated caricature of me by

Brian Oakes. It's more the SPIRIT of the thing. This one wasn't purposefully meant to tick me off. And the artist didn't hide himself - or attack me with it.

Another Caricature Artist Near Me

Making Amends

I'm not sure which is worse - having your caricature done dirty without your permission, or paying for it.

The woman I made cry didnt pay for it by the way. I gave her her money back and apologized. 

I offered to redraw her, nicer,  for free, but she declined. I don't blame her.

woodcut of two women hugging

Why I'm Glad That Happened

I made that woman cry

nearly 20 years ago.

And I really am actually glad it happened, because it forced me to rethink why I was drawing caricatures in the first place.

I'll tell you why in a second.

but first, the rest of the ugly caricature story.

wedding caricature artist kathy buskett caricatures a bride and groom

Biloxi, MS


Caricature Artist Near Me

The Chimneys Restaurant


a child gets his caricature at a childrens party by kathy buskett the best caricature artist near me

Mobile  AL

Private Event

Caricature Artist Near Me

Red Carper Venue


taylor swift caricature

Taylor Swift  by Kathy Buskett Caricature Artist Near Me

Haters Gonna Hate

Let me tell you what happened after that guy dropped that monstrosity of a caricature into my lap.

I didn't cry. I got MAD.  And I complained to anyone who would listen.

An artist friend of mine named Nate pulled me aside and told me that guy who drew me dirty did it for a reaction.

I realized that that artist was just a bully like the mean kids who had bullied me back in junior high school. Along with the same maturity level.

And so were the artists who insisted my art wasn't good enough based on THEIR Idea of what  a "Good Caricature" should be.

Shake It Off

I found out at that convention that a lot of caricature artists got into this business for the exact opposite reasons I'm in it. 

To tick people off.

One of them even brags about "making little girls cry" as their tagline. I kid you not.

That's not why I got into this buinsess. I got into it to make people HAPPY.

digital caricature of kathy busketts family - the best caricature artist near me

Digital Caricature of my Family

I dont want to be a bully. I dont want to tick people off. And I certainly dont want to make anyone cry.

But at that point,  I was still trying to please those unpleaseable art snobs who thought my drawings were "too cute."

I had a decision to make.

Was I going to try to please the people I had no respect for - the Haters - or was I going to please my customers - and myself?

Guess What I Chose

kathy buskett the best caricature artist near me

My "Why"

I figured out after I made that girl cry that:

  • I don't want to tick people off.

  • I don't want to be a bully.

  • And I certainly dont want to make anyone cry.

I Realized that

I Draw Caricatures to make People Happy.

To make YOU Happy.

If that makes me a "Bad Artist" then too bad.

I decided then that I would focus on making my customers happy.


And that's what I've done ever since -​​

caricature artist kathy buskett draws digital caricatures for samsung

Las Vegas, NV

Product Release

Digital Caricature Artist

Caricatures Near Me

Samsung Booth at CES


...And why I say 

with my Caricatures

Your Event will End




caricature of a couple

And That's Why I Choose
              to be a Flattering Caricature Artist
Near Me

The Birth of an Idea


wedding caricature of a young couple who just got married

Turns out there's a LOT of people who like the way  I draw.  People want to look and feel good about themselves.


It seems to me that we women are hardest on ourselves. Most of us DON'T want to be exaggerated and DO want to look good.

I have found that women

caricature artists Near ME

tend to be "nicer. Maybe it's because we tend to care more about how people feel.

I also noticed that weddings tend to be mostly run by women. And of course I love drawing caricatures at weddings best -

I'm a romantic softy at heart.

caricature at an adult birthday party

Mobile  AL

Private Event

Caricature Artist

Red Carper Venue


caricature of a girl with downs syndrome

And so the idea of "Complimentary Caricatures" was born.

Complimentary can mean Flattering - Or Free. 

I draw Flattering & Free (for your guests) caricatures at weddings, corporate events and other events.​

I run a women-run business.

My business is YOU-oriented. Not trying to reach some ideal artistic goal.


Silverhill, AL

Downs Syndrome Buddy Walk

Caricature Artist near me


caricature of a woman laughing at a party

Daphna, AL

Ladie's Night Out

Caricature Artist Near Me

Belforest Point 


Like the Renaissance artists of old

who had patrons that allowed them to make art for a living,

that is the model of my business and my philosphy.

I work for YOU, to make YOU and Your Guests HAPPY

caricature of an older couple laughing

Mobile  AL

Corporate event

Caricature Artist near me

Mobile Yacht Club


This ensures everyone at your event will have a GREAT Time

                     AND they will GO HOME HAPPY

                         And YOU will be Happy too!


Give Them an Experience
They'll Never Forget

Ask any wedding or event planner how many favors they toss after a wedding or corporate event.

Not Caricatures!

They will cherish this gift and remember you and your event fondly for the rest of their lives

I know I did!

miss america gets a caricature at a corporate event

An Experience that
Inspired Me to be a Caricature Artist
Near Me

review of caricatures by kathy
about caricatures by kathy

You see, when I was 13 years old, my parents gave me an experience that changed the course of my life. Kind of like the little girl in the picture above.

We were on vacation in Orlando and they got me a caricature in a place called Old Town.

That caricature hung on our wall for years. And that's what inspired me to become a Caricature artist!

So you never know - this experience could change the course of someone's life - Maybe yours!

Birmingham AL

Corporate Event

Caricature Artist



Hi! My Name is

Kathy Buskett.

I'm a professional Caricature Artist Near Me

with 25 years of experience.

I drew caricatures in Las Vegas for a decade before moving here to the Gulf Coast.

AS one of the fastest caricature artists Near Me

in the world, (up to 30 people per hour) I can help make your events successful and garner you rave reviews.

Your events are in good hands with me!



Phone zombies pic


Collage of caricatures near me
Get Your Guests
Interacting and

Need I say more?​​​​​​​​​​​​​

awsome caricatures near me review


a happy caricature customer

I would absolutely recommend Kathy over and over again."


Kayla R,. Pensacola, FL

Wedding Caricatures

Near Me

“I can't say enough about how amazing and stress-free this made party favors! All of the guests were so impressed!”

             Celeste H., Daphne, AL

                Children's Party Caricatures                    Near Me

Celeste Hayes, who gives a positive review about caricatures by kathy

“ She is fast, talented and super friendly. Highly highly highly recommend.”

Sarah Parker Smith,

Penscaola Beach, FL

Corporate Event

Caricatures Near Me

sarah parker smith of pensacola beach, FL highly recommends caricatures by kathy

“Caricatures by Kathy was the LIFE of our party!!! “​​​

                            Elizabeth Burkett,

                            Ocean Springs, MS

                            Graduation Party

                            Caricature Near Me

elizabeth burkett from ocean springs MS gives a rave review of caricatures by kathy

If You Want Me to come

"Draw a Crowd" and

Put Smiles on all your Guests faces (literally!)

At your Wedding, Corporate Event or other special event,


to see if your date is available.

I really do book up quickly and I hate having to turn people away because I'm already booked!