Teambuilding Exercises shouldn't be dull and boring!
If youre looking for something UNIQUE and fun teambuilding ideas for work, church, school or executive retreats,
You're in the Right Place!
Have more FUN at your next teambuilding event with
Art Activities & Exercises!
Art activities have been proven by many studies to help with mental health and team building.
But how do non-artists run art- themed teambuilding exercises?
That's where I come in.
Hi, My Name is Kathy Buskett. I'm a professional Caricaturist and a Seasoned Educator with 25 years of experience Entertaining with my art and educating with my public speaking.
My unique approach to teambuilding & retreats Is Similar to an Educational IEP.
I include tailor-made Talks and Exercises to suit YOUR group and your specific needs.
I've worked for many top tier
companies including Samsung, Top Golf, AT&T, Coca Cola and Even Cirque Du Soleil!
How much is it worth to you for your staff to learn how to get along?
I believe its PRICELESS
You deserve to be treated as individuals. Many keynote speakers do ONE speech over and over. I don't do that.
I will meet with you to discuss your particular needs beforehand and then tailor your program just for you.
I put a lot of thought and effort into my programs and you will certainly be delighted with how much value you will receive.
Some of the Modules I can help you choose from include:
- Fun Excercises where participants paint and draw each other (the less experience the better!)
- Creating A joint large-scale piece of art to display in the office
- Drawing Lessons where participant learn to hone their observation skills and hand- eye coordination
-Keynote Speaking on the Most Important aspect of becoming an artist (And its NOT talent OR skill)
Other Ideas:
- Drinking and Drawing aka
Paint and Sip Party( and adult activity!)
- Making Fun Group tiedyed Tshirts
- Make a Jackson Pollock Style Painting (dripping paint onto a canvas - its harder than it looks!)
- Get back down to earth with a Fun Pottery making activity
- Plein Air (Outdoor) Painting
Be an impressionist for the day!
- Stretch your limits by
becoming street artists for the day!
I'm always open to new and creative ideas!
Let's make your ideas Happen!
And of course your team will all get custom CARICATURES as part of the package.
Caricatures go up on guests' walls in homes and offices and often stay there for YEARS. This is a great way to remind your people about the lessons they learned at your retreat.
What other keynote speakers can Offer that?
Benefits of Art Teambuilding Exercises
Level Up!
You Might be surprised by the long-lasting effects of even a single art themed teambuilding exercise
Waaay Better than playing Collective video games
- Enhanced Collaboration
- Improved Communication
- Elevated Storytelling Skills
- Increase Problem-Solving skills
- Better Mental Flexibility​
- Enhanced Perseverance
...And of Course...
Relaxation and Stress Relief
which leads to
-Increased Creativity
which leads to
"I have never let my schooling
interfere with my education."
Mark Twain
Short on time and funds?
An Art Excercise You Can DIY
Printer Paper - 1-2 sheets per person
Enough sharpies for each person to have one
clipboards for each person
3x5 cards
a small bowl
Prep Work
1. Calculate how many people are participating. There should be an even number of people. Consider Participating yourself if there's an odd person out.
2. Cut that number in half.
For instance say you have 20 people total . Now you cut that in half and you have 10.
3. Write each of the numbers on 3x5 cards. For instance if I had 10 poeople I would write a 1 on the first card, a 2 on the second card, and so on, all the way up to 10.
4. Do this twice. 1-10, then 1-10 again (or however many people are in your group cut in half)
You should now have two sets of numbers.
If you want to get creative you can use cards from a deck of cards or even a memory game.
5. Fold them and put them into the bowl.
Have sheets of printer paper, clipboards and markers ready to pass out.
This step is important ! Don't skip it. It prevents the "high school clique syndrome" and gets people associating with people they might never normally talk to. Which is the whole point of teambuilding.
The Sharpie is important because otherwise non-artists will sit there and erase all day.
Some people will balk at this.
Gently Explain its just for fun and everyone is in the same boat here. Once everyone is laughing they will feel better.
The Exercise
1. Have participants pull a card from the bowl. THen they must find their partner. Expalin ahead of time that they can't switch numbers to be with a friend.
2. Participants are each given a sheet of paper and a sharpie. NOT a pencil. A Sharpie.
3. Explain this to the participants that this is supposed to be a FUN exercise and not stressful. the whole point is that the art will be funny, so dont stress over it being perfect. THats why were using sharpies - so you cant erase. If they REALLY make a bad mistake (like someone bumpos their arm) they can start over.
4. Give participants 10 or 15 minutes to draw their partner. THe partner shouild not be allowed to see the drawing.
5. As the facilitator,
Maintatin a light, fun, encouraging tone throughout.
6. Get your camera ready!
7. At the end, one at a time, have each team reveal their drawings to each other. If your team is brave enough, consider doing it in front of the group.
8. Get a laugh and maybe make a new friend!
AS the facilitator you can make or break this excercise. It can turn a fun exercise into tears if not handled properly. So make sure someone with great people skills is running this!
That's a great reason to hire
me to do this for you by the way.